To Be Transfigured

28 February 2010 2nd Sunday of LentGenesis 15, 5-18; Psalm 27; Phil 3,17 – 4,1; Luke 9, 28-36Was there a point in your life when you were about to take the greatest plunge in your entire existence but then you wanted to be assured that the people whom you loved most understood what you wereContinue reading “To Be Transfigured”

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Advent Part II: The Face of Remorse and Reconciliation

6 December 2009 2nd Sunday of AdventBar 5,1-9; Psalm 126; Phil 1, 4-11; Luke 3, 1-6 Note: I would like to share with you four dimensions of Advent. Each dimension will correspond to the four Sundays of the liturgical season. And just as it prepares us for the Christmas season, we too are being ledContinue reading “Advent Part II: The Face of Remorse and Reconciliation”

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